A Saint George's Day Letter.

I am Proud to be English - A Saint George's Day Letter.

We should be aware of the greatness that England has been, still is and still can be.

If we can teach some of the soccer hooligans to sing "There's Only One Bertrand Russell!" as well as "There's Only One David Platt!" then perhaps we'll be on a our way to a solution to this kind of problem.

The greatness and richness of England......

poets like Chaucer, Dryden, Grey, Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, Eliot...

philosophers like Bacon, Ockham, Hobbes, Locke, Mill, Midgeley, Dawkins...

writers like Dickens, Hardy, Lawrence, Huxley, Orwell..

scientists like Newton, Faraday, Rutherford, Hawking.....

political figures like Wat Tyler, Gerard Winstanley.....

artists like Turner, Gainsborough, Laurie....

Truth and Love will win out over hate and lies.

The English/British Empire ended in 1947, just as the Soviet Empire crumbled in 1989.

"Pravda a laska musi zvitevit nad lzi a nenavisti"

"Truth and Love will win out over hate and lies." Vaclav Havel.

From popular Czech poster 1989.